Alex Harvey’s Top 4 reasons why you should give trail running a go

Whether with a group or solo, trail running is a must-try outdoor activity this summer. Here’s why Alex fell under its charm, and remember that like in life in general, a balanced approach – combined with pleasure – is the way to go!

Alex Harvey’s Top 4 reasons why you should give trail running a go

Enjoying the great outdoors doesn't have to be complicated. Alex Harvey, former Olympic cross-country skier and now a Parmi ambassador has first-hand insight, having recently developed a passion for trail running. An accessible and liberating sport, trail running is the perfect embodiment of Parmi’s desire to simplify the outdoor experience. All it takes is a good pair of shoes, lightweight shorts, a t-shirt that effectively wicks away moisture, an effective mosquito repellent, and you’re off!

Whether with a group or solo, trail running is a must-try outdoor activity this summer. Here’s why Alex fell under its charm.


  1. It allows you to fully unplug

A rock here, an exposed root there, when running in the forest you can’t be distracted by thoughts of work or any other responsibilities. “We always have to be focused on where we’ll step foot next, and that necessitates having to unplug from daily stress and distractions almost immediately,” Alex said.


  1. It’s very efficient

According to a report cited in Women’s Running Magazine,[1] trail running burns more calories than any other outdoor activity. In just one hour, a woman burns an average of 950 calories when going through wooded trails. It’s ideal when you don't have a lot of time to train!


  1. It’s unpretentious 

“There’s a beautiful feeling of purity and simplicity that comes with running,” Alex said. “I think it's partly because you don’t need any equipment to practise it. When I run, I don’t feel as though I’m decked out in a costume. I opt for clothes that are light and breathable, but also versatile. And after a trail run, I can easily head straight to the coffee shop or grab a beer with friends.”

Of course, you can always equip yourself with the latest technology that measures your heart rate, cadence and pace, but as Alex said, you can also just put on a good pair of shoes and comfortable clothes and let your body guide you.


  1. It’s home to a great community

Are you familiar with the term “runner’s nod”? It’s the subtle nod that runners give one another when their paths cross. Although running is an individual sport, its large community has all the qualities of a unified team. Many running networks and groups are composed of people who want nothing more than to get moving while enjoying the great outdoors.

“I competed in my first trail running race in fall, 2023, and I discovered a world I never knew existed. It’s a very laid-back atmosphere and everyone has a smile on their faces, from the first kilometre to the finish line!” Alex recalled.

Are you more into running solo while listening to your favourite playlist, with no pressure or feeling the need to keep up the pace? Don’t worry, no one will hold it against you. Anything goes when you hit the trails!



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Alex Harvey's favourite trails
The province of Quebec, particularly the Capitale-Nationale region, is overflowing with trails to discover. Here are the ones the former professional skier recommends:

● Mont-Sainte-Anne’s La Libériste – 8.8 km – Difficulty level: Very difficult
● Mont-Sainte-Anne’s La Coulée – 4.5 km – Difficulty level: Difficult
● Jacques-Cartier National Park’s Le Sentier des loups – 9.8 km – Difficulty level: Difficult

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What you need to know before beginning trail running

Trail running is an impact sport, and therefore it can affect joints, bones and muscles. Alex believes it’s important to start gradually, and schedule rest days between outings to avoid injuries. “It’s still a new sport for me, so I have to learn what my limits are,” he said. Just like life in general, a balanced approach – combined with pleasure – is the way to go!


Planning on giving trail running a go this summer? Make sure to check out our must-haves to run in comfort and simplicity.





By Parmi Editorial Team
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